Sunday, July 15, 2012


Greetings and salutations!

In this first post of mine I would like to talk about an interesting new "entertainment experience" called Defiance.


Defiance consists out of two main parts: an online game and a tv series.  It's being developed by Trion Worlds and Syfy.

The game is a cross-platform third-person shooter MMO. It will be released on PC, Xbox360 and PS3. In the game you are a soldier and you have to fight off alien monsters. To me it looks like a mix between the visuals of Halo and gameplay-elements of Borderlands.

The series is a science-fiction show from the minds behind Battlestar Galactica and Farscape and will be aired on the Syfy channel in the US. The basic premise of the story goes as followed:

"Drifting through a terramorphed American landscape, the mysterious Joshua Nolan settles in a border town where aliens and humans fight against the fragility of peace."

What's cool about all of this is that the game and the show influence each other. The story of the show will change things in the game, and actions that players do will have an impact on the show.
This all sounds like a really cool idea if it's executed  properly. I'm just wondering how the game will affect the story of the show. Are there just going to be some references to fights in the game, or will they change major parts of the story so it reflects the game properly? I really hope the last one, but it will really be up to the writers of the show to make it all work. If they would do it like that, the game better be good too, because if the game sucks, no one will play it, so the show can't be influenced by it anymore.

I hope it will work out for them, because the idea seems cool and could bring forth even more of these cross-platform entertainment experiences. I currently have no idea whether it will also air here in Belgium, but I certainly hope so.

This will all be released during april 2013 in the US.

If you're curious, you can find out more at these sites:


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