Monday, July 2, 2012

Holiday plans

Summer job
Today was my first day at my summer job. I didn't have a lot of work to do, and even though it's a bit annoying and I feel guilty for just sitting there, I secretly hope it stays that way, because...

Making our first indie game together!
Well, me, Yannick and Sven brainstormed about the game project we'll do this summer, and I'm really looking forward to it! :D This month, we'll be fine-tuning the concept, make art, the story... Next month we'll start the production. :) I can't promise anything, but maybe we can give a sneak peek when there is some concept art done ;)

Playing teacher
Since it will be Mike's first year in DAE, Sven asked us to give him some kind of "preview" of the study. I'll be playing... the Preproduction teacher. Preproduction is the course where you learn to draw, to design, paint, make concept art... I'm not super-good at it (I'm a programmer after all) but I'll do as a substitute-criticizer :p And I'll try to teach and give tips of course. I'm actually looking forward to it :)

Moving out, moving in
Our previous apartment mate moved out a few days ago, Yannick and Mike now officially moved in. But there's still some cleaning up & moving to do :p

Gaming, maybe?
I have a HUGE list of games that I still have to play, but will I have enough time? :p Currently, I'm playing From Dust. Maybe I'll write a short review about it when I finished the game :)

Overall: lots of plans, lots of work, we'll see what we get done and just enjoy ourselves! ^^

Do you have a lot of plans for the holidays? :)

x Marcia 

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